A Look at Color Contrast in Sign Design

Lighting conditions affect your parking lot in many ways, from the potential for accidents to the amount you’ll pay to keep the bulbs on. When you have your sign company upgrade your parking lot lighting, you can count on reaping a few kinds of benefits. Read on and find out if it’s time for new lighting.
Basics of Color Contrast
Contrast refers to how different colors are from each other. Low contrast colors are the most similar to each other, while high contrast colors are very different. The contrast between colors doesn’t only depend on the actual hues but also the tint, shade, and saturation of the colors. Generally, mixing high contrast colors works best for readability—this is why websites and printed pages often use white backgrounds with black text—but in some cases, very high contrast design can also look messy. There is actually a scientific formula that designers can use to calculate the contrast between colors. Working with experienced designers from your sign company will help you make the right choices.
Choosing Background and Foreground Colors
When you choose contrasting colors for your signs, it’s important to consider which one should be a foreground color and which should form the background. Generally, the eye sees cool colors, such as blue and green, as far away, and warm colors, like red and yellow, look closer. For this reason, cooler colors make better backgrounds, and warm colors should be at the forefront. For instance, a blue background and yellow text are easier to read than the reverse.
Incorporating Color Moods
In addition to providing sufficient contrast, the colors on your sign should also convey the appropriate brand messaging. Consider the moods of the colors you’re using in your design. For example, blues and greens suggest calm and relaxation, which could work well for a spa business, while fiery red is energetic and may work well for a gym.
Our experienced designers at Olympic Signs will help you craft indoor and outdoor signs near Chicago that offer maximum exposure for your business. Take the guesswork out of signage and let us assist with design, installation, and maintenance. Get the process started today by calling (630) 413-1198.