LED Signage: Bright Lights and Big Benefits

Picking signage for your business is a tricky affair: there’s a lot to consider as far as logo, colors, size, energy usage, location, and more. Outdoor signage is especially important because it tells potential clients what your business is about through colors and logos, which is why you should consider LED signage. With so many economic benefits and little maintenance, LEDs might be the best way to get your business noticed.
Modern and Colorful
LEDs are available in many colors, from pastels to neons, which illuminate your logo or signage with attractive and bright colors. With LEDs, you will never encounter washed-out hues or spotty lighting. LEDs are not only great for signage and logos, they’re great as accent lights as well, which you can use to add more dimension to your sign or storefront. LEDs can also illuminate programmable message boards outside your business, allowing you to keep your clients or passersby up to date on specials and sales while flaunting your commitment to new technology and eco-friendly signage.
Energy Efficient
LEDs are especially beneficial to businesses because they are energy efficient. A single LED bulb has a lifespan of 20,000 hours. This is an incredibly long life span—compare to the traditional incandescent bulb, with its short 1,000 lifespans. As you can tell by the aforementioned figures, LED bulbs are energy savers and, by extension, money savers. Since LEDs last up to 20,000 hours, you can expect years of bright, consistent lighting before you need to purchase new bulbs. The long lifespan of LEDs also translates to little maintenance. All you have to do is flip the switch and your LEDs are ready to glow.
Shine brightest on your block with custom LED signage. At Olympic Signs, we are committed to getting your business noticed through thorough planning and installation of high-quality signage. To learn more about us and start planning your signage, visit our website or call us at (630) 282-1748.